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"2000 Light Years From Home" is a song from The Rolling Stones' 1967 psychedelic rock album Their Satanic Majesties Request.[1] Written by Mick Jaggerand Keith Richards, it also appeared as the B-side to the American single "She's a Rainbow", and charted as a single in Germany. Jagger reportedly wrote the lyrics in Brixton prison following his conviction on drug charges in June 1967.[2] The working title of the instrumental backing was "Toffee Apple". The prominent string part is played by Brian Jones on mellotron.

The number was regularly featured during the Stones' 1989-90 Steel Wheels/Urban Jungle Tours; until 1997, when "She's a Rainbow" was also added to the band's stage repertoire, it was the only track from Satanic Majesties that the band had performed in concert.

After disappearing from setlists completely for 23 years, 2000 Light Years From Home was performed on 29 June 2013 at Glastonbury Festival in the United Kingdom.

The song is used in the film Men in Black 3.


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Notable cover versions[edit][]

"2000 Light Years from Home" has been covered by The Tragically HipThe Danse SocietyGrave DiggerMonster MagnetRachael YamagataColonel Les Claypool's Fearless Flying Frog BrigadeCary Grace, and Sky Cries Mary.
