Artist: XTC
Album: Nonsuch, Coat Of Many Cupboards
Review: Another Colin Moulding's song from Nonsuch, it's one of the songs that Andy Partridge singles out as the one he wishes he'd written and his favorite XTC song ever and all that, and, well, I don't get it. I don't quite hate this song as much as I used to, but, um, it's still not something I particularly enjoy listening to. I'm not sure what it is that rings Andy's bell so much about it, but, um, it don't do it for me. For me, though, I think I just really hate the way Colin sings "BUNNNNGGGGAAAALOWWWWWWW!!! BUNGGGALLLLOOWWWW!!!" in the chorus. Ecch. I'd love to hear some other viewpoints on this one, though. - Rev. Syung Myung Me