Music Hub
Music Hub
Forums: Index > General Discussion > Have a band?

Hello, I am following the advice of several Wikia administors and informing you that there is a new Wikia Wiki open designed especially for struggling musicians and starving artists. Seeing as this website is already very well put together, and on its way to becoming a major Wikia Wiki, I thought perhaps we could collaborate together and make our two Wikis "partners" :). The Garage Bands Wiki is in need of Portals, artist pages, poetry corners, templates.. You name it, we need it. And I believe that if this Wiki's local admins would O.K the creation of a page about our wiki, if a few volunteers could help us out, and if we link back to this Wiki, we could draw in website visitors. --User:Iron Chef 22:09, 14 February 2008 (UTC)

Hi, yes i'm sure we could collaborate. I really feel the main music wiki should help other 'focussed area' music wikis.
I am the only active admin here currently, so i would be happy for you to make pages such as Garage Bands or similar, and for you to give information about the garage band wiki and links.
Would you like help setting things up at The Garage Bands Wiki? If you make a page of what you would like doing, i could see what i can do to help. Anarchyuk Icons-flag-gb (talk) (Contribs) (To-do) 22:48, 14 February 2008 (UTC)

Sounds great, I'll get started. --User:Iron Chef 0:15, 15 February 2008 (UTC)