Music Hub
Life Begins At The Hop
Single by XTC
Album Drums and Wires (later issues)
Transistor Blast
Coat of Many Cupboards
Fossil Fuel
The Compact XTC
Upsy Daisy Assortment
Look Look
Released April 27, 1979
Label(s) Virgin
Producer(s) Steve Lillywhite


  1. Life Begins At The Hop
  2. Homo Safari

Review: This is one of XTC's first successful singles, and Colin Moulding's first, and kind of, um, a lousy song. It's another one that's catchy, but also a little dumb. I like the rhythms on it, but it's not nearly as complex as, say, the briliant "Making Plans For Nigel". Also, the video for this one is TERRIBLE. Granted, a lot of XTC videos were terrible, but this one especially so. Man. - Rev. Syung Myung Me
