This is a list of record labels starting with C:
List of record labels | |||||||||||||
0-9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
- C&D Records
- C-Sharp Productions
- C.E.R. Records
- C.F. Records
- C.I.P.
- C.O.A. Productions
- C.U.R.S.E. Tapes
- C/Z Records
- C3 Records
- c367
- c74
- Cab Stand Records
- Cabal Recordings
- Cabal Records
- Cabin Creek Records
- Cacophonics Records
- Cadco Records
- Cadence Jazz Records
- Cadence Phoenix Records
- Cadence Records via Wikipedia
- Cadet Records via Wikipedia
- Cadre Enterprises
- Caffeinated Recordings
- Caffeine Teen Records
- Cage Free Records
- Caïmán Music
- Caipirinha Music
- Cairney Hill Music
- Cajo Communications
- Cajual Records
- Cake Records
- Cala Records
- Calamari Records
- Calcante Recordings, Ltd.
- Caliber Records, Inc.
- Caliente Records
- Caliph Records
- Calvary Kids Records
- Calvin Records
- Cambia Records
- Cambodia Recordings
- Cambria Master Recordings
- Camel Productions
- Camel Records
- Camelback Records
- Cameo via Wikipedia
- Cameo-Parkway Records via Wikipedia
- Camera Records
- Camp Fury Records
- Campfire Records
- Canaan Lake Records, Inc.
- Canasta Records
- Cancer Records
- Candelo Records
- Candle Girl Records
- Candlelight Records USA
- Candy Sto' Productions
- Candyass Records
- CandyRat Records
- CandySpiteful Productions
- Candystorecords
- Cannibal Camp Records
- Cannonball Records
- cant NEVER could recordings
- Cantaloupe Music
- Canterbury Productions
- Cantilena Records
- Cantoo Records
- Canvas Records
- Canyon Records
- Capeside Records
- Capibara Records
- Capital EJS Records
- Capital Hill Records
- Capitol Gainz Entertainment, LLC
- Capitol Records Nashville
- Capitol Records, Inc.
- Capri Records
- Capriccio
- Capricorn Records via Wikipedia
- Capstone Records
- Capsuled Records
- Captain Billy's Privateers
- Captiva Records
- Captivating Music
- Captive Ring Records
- Captivity Records
- Car Wreck Records, Inc
- Carbon Records
- Carcass Records
- cardboard sangria records
- Care Recordings
- Career Records
- Careworn Records
- Cargo Music, Inc
- Carjacker Records
- Carolina Music Company
- Caroline Records
- carpark records
- Carpe Mortem Records
- Carpet Bomb
- Carpet Cat Records
- Carrot Top Records
- Carwer Recordings
- CAS Records, LLC
- Casablanca Records
- CaSaNoVa ReCoRdS LLC
- Cascadia Records
- CaseQuarter
- Cash Flow Records
- Cash Money Records
- Cash Seeka Records
- Cashier Records
- Cashin Inn Entertainment
- Casino Music
- Cass Records
- Cassandra Records
- Cast Iron Records
- Cast-Iron Records
- Castle Blakk Recordings
- Castle Records
- Castle von Buhler
- Cat Hair Records
- Cat Head Presents
- Catalina Island Music
- Catalina Records
- Catalpa Classics
- Catalyst Recordings
- Catalyst Records
- The Catamount Company
- Catapult Records
- Catastrophicsound
- Catawba Records
- Catch 22 Recordings
- Catchphraze Records
- Catchster Entertainment Inc
- Catfood Records
- Cathartic Process
- Cathedral Stone Music Publishing
- Catholic Record Label
- Cathouse Records
- Catscan Records
- Catsup Plate Records
- Catwalk Records
- Catz Go Round Records, LLC
- Caulfield Records
- Cause-N-Effect Wrecards
- Caustic Eye Productions
- Caustic Productions
- Cavalier Records via Wikipedia
- Caveman Records
- Cavity Search Records
- Caze Entertainment, Inc.
- CBH3 Records
- CBMayard Record Company
- CBS Masterworks Records via Wikipedia
- CCF Records
- CCR Records
- CD Smash Records
- CDK Music
- Cease-N-Desist Records
- Cedar Feather Productions
- Cedar Mesa Music
- Cedar Park Entertainment and Distribution
- Cedar Tree Music
- Cedille Records
- CEER!US Records
- CEI Gospel Records
- Ceiba Records
- Celestial Bison Records
- Celestial Harmonies
- Celestial Music
- Celestial Records
- Cell Block Entertainment
- Cellar Door Music
- Cellar Records Recording Company
- Cellfire Records
- Cellobrew Records
- Cellsum Records
- Celtic Club Records
- Celtic Heartbeat Records via Wikipedia
- Cembal d'amour
- Cement Shoes Records
- Cemetery Blind Entertainment
- Centaur Music
- Centaur Records
- center of the world records
- Center Records
- Centerfield Records
- Centrelle Records
- Centricity Records
- Centrifugal Phorce Records
- Centromania
- Centron Sound Records
- CentRPiece Records
- Centurion Records
- Century Media Records
- Cephia's Treat Recordings
- Cerberus Records
- Certafied Platinum Music Group
- Certified PR Records
- Cesta Records
- Cexton Records
- CFN Music
- CGF Records, Inc.
- Chain Gang Label
- Chained Duck Records
- Chainsaw Records
- Chairkickers' Union Music
- Chalant Music
- The Chamber Music Ensemble Camarada
- Chameleon Music
- Chance Records
- Chancellor Records via Wikipedia
- Change Records
- Channel 83 Records
- Channel Productions
- Channelscrew Records
- Chanticleer
- Chaos Eternal Entertainment Inc
- Chaos Records
- Chaosophy Records
- Chaotic Mine Records
- Chappelle and Stinnette Records via Wikipedia
- Chapter 13 Records
- Character Records
- Charged Records
- CharmBoi Entertainment & Management
- Charnel Music
- Chase Music Group
- Chateau Records
- Chavis Records
- Cheap Lullaby Records
- Cheapskate Records
- Check Other Records
- Check Plus Productionz
- Checker Records via Wikipedia
- Checker-Hat Records LLC.
- Checkerboard Records
- Checkered Past Records
- Checkered Records
- Checkmate Muzik
- Checkmate Records
- Cheetah's Records
- Chemistry Set Records
- Cherokee Music Group
- Cherry and Cream Records
- Cherry Bleeds
- Cherry Bomb Records
- Cherry Picker
- Cherub Records
- Chesky Records
- Chess Records via Wikipedia
- chevry records
- Chez
- Chez Moi
- Chi Sound Records via Wikipedia
- Chiaroscuro Records
- Chicago Kid Records
- Chicago Lakeside Jazz
- Chicken Coup Records
- Chicken Ranch Records
- Chicken-Head Records
- Chickenbutt Records
- Chicxulub Records
- Chief Records
- Childlike Entertainment
- ChildPOP Records Company
- Children's Songs and Music
- Childstar
- China Records via Wikipedia
- Chisholm Trail Music Co.
- Chitek Recordings
- Chlorophyl Recordings
- Chocolate Industries
- Chocolate Jeanie Records
- Choctaw Creek Records
- Choice Records
- Choke Chain Records
- Chola Musical Productions Inc
- Chondritic Sound
- Chonta Records
- Chophouse Records
- Chopper City Records
- Chops Not Chaps Records
- Chopsocky Records
- chord and pedal
- Chowda' Records
- Chrematizo Label Group
- Chris Meeks Productions
- Christ-Centered Records
- Christal Records
- Christian Music X
- Christmas Mountains Records
- Chrome Peeler Records
- Chrome Records
- chromedecay
- chthonic streams
- Chubby Dragon
- Chuck Wild Records
- Chuckie Odem Media
- Chuckie-Boy Records
- Chucklehound Entertainment
- Chueffa Records
- Chunksaah Records
- Chunky Music
- CI Records
- Cilla P Records
- Cinista Sound Entainment
- Cinque Entertainment, Inc.
- Cipher Records
- Circle
- Circle One Records
- Circuit Rider Records
- Circular System
- Circumvent Recordings
- Circumvention Music
- Circus Fish Records
- Cisco Music
- Citadel Records Corporation
- Citrona Recordings
- City Beat Records
- City Boot Records
- City Canyons Records
- City Deep Music
- City Hustlaz Entertainment
- City Light Entertainment
- City Nights Tracks
- City of Tribes
- City Salvage Records
- cityboyrecords
- CityZooRecords
- Cix7 Records
- clairecords
- Clamarama Records
- Clandestine Agents
- Clandestine Productions
- Clarion Records
- Clarity Sound & Light
- Classic Filth Productions
- Classic Records
- Classic World Productions
- Classical Angst Records
- Classical Masterworks
- Clavebop Productions, Inc.
- Clay Cotton Music
- Clayhead Records
- Clean
- Clean Plate Records
- Clear Blue Records
- Clear Diamond Records
- Clear Song Records
- clear vision entertainment
- Clearlight 888 Music
- Clearlight Music
- Clearstream Records
- Clearwater Records
- Cleopatra Records
- Cleveland International Records
- Cleveland Unlimited Records
- Clever Records
- Clever Sheep Records
- Cleverwon Productions
- Clickpop Records
- Clicktracks
- Cliff Cliff Records
- Climate Records
- Climax Records
- Clip Records
- Clique Records
- CLO Records entertainment
- A Clockwork Orange Records
- Cloister Recordings
- Clou Records
- Cloud 13 Records
- Cloud Nine Records
- Cloud Recordings
- Cloudburst Productions
- Clover Club Recordings
- Club Louisianne, Inc
- Club Praize
- Club Recordings
- Clubbo Records
- Clubhouse Records
- CMH Records
- CML Records
- cMo BlueStar Music Group
- CMR Records
- CMS Studio Recordings
- CO Dependent Records LLC
- Coach House Records
- Coalition 9 Records
- Coast Records
- Coast Road Records
- Coastline Recordings
- Cobalt Blue Music
- Cobalt Recordings
- Cobbala Productions
- Coccroach Records
- Cochon Records
- Cockey Highschool
- Coco Machete Records
- cococonk
- Cocoro Sounds
- Code 5 Records
- code adam records
- Code Blue Entertainment
- Code Red Recordings
- Codek Records
- Coeur De Jeanette Productions
- Coffee-Hut Records
- Cohaagen Music
- Cohort Records
- Cojazz Recordings
- Cold Beauty Records
- Cold Blue Music
- Cold Cannon Records
- Cold Cash Records
- Cold Crush Records
- Cold Feet Records
- Cold Heaven Recordings
- Cold North Entertainment
- Cold Spring Records
- Cold Wind & Narnian Records
- Cold Wit It Records
- Coldfront Records
- Coldhouse Records
- Coldtrax Recordings
- Cole Broderick Recordings
- Cole Media
- Coliseum Records
- Collect "N" Cabbage Records
- Collectables® Records Corp
- Collectible Escalators
- Collectiv Records
- The Collective Intelligence
- Collective Recordings
- Collectors' Choice Music
- Colleen Music
- Colon Records
- Colorado Creative Music
- Colorful Clouds For Acoustics
- Colortone Records via Wikipedia
- Colour Sounds Recordings
- Columbia Records
- Columbia River Entertainment via CD Universe
- Columns of Knowledge Productions
- COM Music Group
- Coma-Dose Creations
- Combat Records
- Combo Records
- Combs Music
- Come Git Sum Records
- Come on Pelican!
- Comeback Records
- Comet-Kazi Records
- Comfort Stand Recordings
- Coming Home
- Coming In Second
- Command Performance Records via Wikipedia
- Command Records via Wikipedia
- Commission Records
- The Commission Records
- Committed Music
- Commodore Records via Wikipedia
- Common Cloud Records
- Common Era Records
- CommonWealth Records
- Communion Label
- Community B Records
- Compadre Records
- Companion Records
- The Company Records
- Compass Records
- Compass Rose Music
- Compendia Records
- Component Records
- Composers Recordings Inc.
- Compound Annex Records
- Compression Records
- compu_sol recordings
- Compulsive Records
- Computer Club Records
- Computer Life Recordings
- Comradery Records
- Comstock Records Ltd
- Con Brio Recordings
- Concentrate Records
- Conception Recordings
- Concert Hall Records
- Concord Records
- Concordia Recordings
- Concrete Grooves
- Condor Records
- Conduit Inc.
- Conduit Records
- Confidential Recordings
- Confidential Recordz
- Conjur Root Records
- Conjuroo Recordings
- Connoisseur Society
- Conquer Records
- Conquer The World Records
- Conqueroot Records
- Conqueror Records via Wikipedia
- Conquest Music
- Conscious Records
- Consolidated Artists Productions (CAP)
- Consort Press
- Conspiracy Music
- Constant Change Records
- Consumers Research & Development Label
- Consuming Fire Records
- Contact High Music
- Contact Records
- Contango Records
- Contemplato Records
- Contemporary Records via Wikipedia
- Context Free Media
- Continental Records
- Continuum Music
- Contour Records
- Contraband Records
- ContrabandMusic
- Contraphonic Music
- Contrary Motion INC
- ContrastMusic Recordings
- Controlteam
- Controne records
- Conundrum Records
- Convincing Woodgrain Records
- Cooked Goose Productions
- Cool Eight Records
- Cool Beans! Magazine and Records
- COP International
- Copacetic Records
- Copley Records
- Copper Creek Records
- Copper Vein Records
- Copperfield Records
- Coptercrash Records
- Coral Music Group
- Coral Records via Wikipedia
- Corason
- Cordhead Recordings
- Cordless Recordings
- Corill Music Group
- Corinthian Recordings
- Corleone Records
- Cornbelt Records
- Cornersburg Music
- Cornwarning
- Corona Records
- Corporate Disposal Records
- Corporate Greed Conglomerate Music Division
- Corporate Nightmare Records
- Corporate Punishment Records
- Corridor Records
- Corrosive Recordings
- Corrupt Conglomerate
- Cortical Foundation
- Corwood Industries via Wikipedia
- Cosmic Fish Media
- Cosmic Flux
- Cosmic Jukebox Records
- cosmic legends
- Cosmic Troubadour Records
- Cosmonaut Records
- Cosmotone Records
- Cottage Industry Music
- Cotton Mouth Music Group
- CottonPatch
- Couffé Music
- Cougar Records
- Council Records
- Count-It Records
- Counted Records, Inc.
- Counterfeit Records
- Counterflow Recordings
- Country Country Records
- Country Discovery Records
- Country Showcase America Records
- County Bound Records
- Coup d' État
- Coup de Grâce
- Court Square Recordings
- Courthouse Records
- Courtney Records
- Cousin Moe Music
- Coventry Music, LLC
- Coyote Oldman Music
- Coyote Recordings
- Coz Records
- CozRush Records
- Cozy Music
- CQK Records & Music
- CR Music
- Crabid Music
- Crabouiller Record Company
- Crack & Speed
- Cracknation
- Crackpipe Records
- Crafty Records
- Crane Mountain Records
- Cranium Records,Inc
- Crank Automotive
- Crank Satori
- crank!
- Crankspiv Records
- Crash Music, Inc
- Cratesavers Muzik
- Crave Records via Wikipedia
- Cravedog Records
- Craverec
- Crazed Piranha Records
- Crazy Apples Worldwide
- Crazy Fungus Records
- Crazy Loot Records
- Crazy Moon Records
- Crazy Otto Music
- Crazy Rae
- Crazy Times Records
- Crazy Town Recordz
- Create Entertainment Inc.
- Creative Improvised Music Projects
- Creative Life Records
- Creative Minds Entertainment
- Creative Muse Productions
- Creative Nation Music Productions
- Creative Records, Inc.
- Creative Vision Media
- Creativeminds
- Credit Records
- Creep Records
- Creeper Records
- CreepyTom's Records
- Creole Downhome Records
- Creop Muse
- Crescent City Records via Wikipedia
- Crescent Records
- Cribsong Music
- Crime Committee Entertainment
- Crimes Against Humanity Records
- Criminal IQ Records
- Criminal Records (San Jose)
- Crionic Mind
- Crisis Center Productions
- Crisis Records
- Crombee Music Group
- Crooked Records
- Crooked Root Records
- Crooked Tooth Records
- Cropherding Entertainment
- Cross Movement Records
- Cross-Driven Records
- Crosscheck Records
- Crossfade Records
- Crossfire Records
- CrossPoint Records
- Crosstalk
- Crouton
- Crow Records
- CrowArt Records
- Crowd Control Activities
- Crowd Control Records
- Crown of Life Kingdom Music Ministry
- Crown Records
- Crownpoint Records
- Crucial Blast
- Crucible Artists
- Crunch Pod Media
- Crunkland Records
- Crusader Records
- Crush Recordings
- Crustacean Records
- Crypt of Blood Records
- Crypt Records
- Cryptogramophone
- Crystal Records
- CrystalTop Music
- Cryz Records via Wikipedia
- CSP Records
- CT Records
- CTA Records
- CTI Jazz
- CTI Records via Wikipedia
- CTR ( Culture Taxi Records)
- Cub Records via Wikipedia
- Cuban Fan Belt Records
- Cube Recordings via Discogs
- CuBop
- Cueball Records
- CueZone Records
- Culburnie Records
- Cult Hero
- Cult Hero Records
- Cumulus Records
- Cuneiform Records
- Cupit Records
- Cuppa Joe Records
- Curb Records
- Curbside Records
- Cure Recordings
- CUrecords
- Curly & Spike Records
- current recordings
- Cursor Club
- Curtom Records via Wikipedia
- Curuba Music
- Curve of the Earth Records
- Curvve Recordings
- Custom Entities Records
- Cut And Paste Records
- Cutiepop Records
- Cutting Records
- Cuzone Records
- Cyber Octave Music
- Cyber Soul
- Cyber-Blast Records
- Cyberset Music
- Cybertronic Records
- Cyborg-Blue Recording Co.
- Cyclotron Records
- Cydonia Productions
- Cykxincorp
- Cymbalism Recordings
- Cypher Infinitum
- Cypher Records
- Czar Entertainment
- CZAR World Entertainment
- CZYZ Records
External links[]
- very extensive site with links to over 22,000 current record labels