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This is a list of record labels starting with E:
List of record labels | |||||||||||||
0-9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
- E is for Evil Records
- E Saint Records
- E-HIGH Productions
- E-Magine Entertainment
- E-Squared
- E-TIP Records
- E-Town Records
- E-Train Records
- E.F. Tapes & CDRs
- E.S. Records
- E1 Music
- E3 Records
- Eagle Canyon Music
- Eagle Eye Records
- Eagle Thunder Entertainment
- Eagle Vine Music
- Eagle's Whistle Music
- Eaglebird Records
- Ear Magic Records
- Earache Records
- Earational Entertainment
- EarDrummahz Entertainment
- Earjoy Music Limited
- Earjuice Records
- Early Bird Records Inc.
- Early Spotter Recordings
- earphone.org
- Eartastic
- Earth Dance Music
- EarthBeat! Records
- Earthology Records
- Earthpassage Music
- Earthquake Entertainment
- EarthStar Recordings
- Earthtone Records
- Earvolution Records
- Earwax Beats
- Earwig Music Company, Inc
- East Coast Entertainment
- East Elm Records
- East Embassy Productions
- East Side Records
- East Side, Inc
- East Wind Records
- EastCoast Records
- Eastern Conference Records
- Eastern Developments Music
- Eastern Woods Music
- Eastlawn Records
- Eastlon Music Group
- Eastside Muzik Inc.
- EastWestNow Records
- Easy Star Records
- Easy Street Records
- Easydisc
- Eat Me! Records
- eatURmusic
- EBL Entertainment
- Eblaw Entertainment
- Ebola Music Records
- Ebony Records & Recording Company
- Ebullition Records
- ECA Records
- ECEG Records
- Echelon Entertainment
- Echelon Productions
- Echo Lake Records
- Echo Machine Records
- Echo Park Records
- Echograph Records
- Echometrics
- Echostatic Records
- Echota Records
- ECKO Records
- Eclectic Coalition Records
- eclectic records
- Eclectica Recordings
- Eclectone Records
- Eclectra Records
- Eclipse Records, Inc.
- Ecovox Records
- Ecstatic Peace!
- Ecstatic Records
- Ed Walters Records
- Eden Recordings
- EdenDust Records
- The Edge Records
- Edge1Records
- EDGECORE Records
- EdgeMusic
- Edgetone Records
- EDI Records
- Edison Records via Wikipedia
- Edit
- Edrick Records
- EEG Records
- eenie meenie records
- Eerie Materials
- Effen Records
- EFM Productions, Inc.
- EG Kight Entertainment/Blue South Records
- eggBERT Records
- EGR Records
- Egruks Music
- Egyptian Empire Records
- Eidus Records
- eight records
- Eighteenth Street Lounge Music
- Eighth Dimension Records
- eighth note records
- EightNineThree Records
- Eighttrax
- eindie
- Einstein Records
- Einsteinium Records
- either/OAR
- Ejaness Reggae Comprehensive
- Eject Records
- EKLECTRA Presents Records
- El City Records
- El Otro Mundo
- El Pocho Loco
- El Ra Records
- El Tonal Records
- EL8ED/Edith Letz
- Elastic Records
- Elation Records
- Elatus
- Elderly Man Records
- Elect Records
- Electric City Records
- Electric Death Productions
- The Electric Human Project
- Electric Lemon Record Co.
- Electric Monkey Records
- Electric Music Foundation
- Electric Pickle Records
- Electric Quilt Music
- Electric Shadow Productions
- Electric Zen Music
- Electro Motive Records
- Electro-Fi Records
- Electrobeat Records
- Electrofine Music
- Electrofunk Records
- Electrogroove Records
- Electrogusto Music
- Electromatrix
- Electronic Eel Records
- Electrosnail Records
- Elegua Records
- Elektra
- elektricity music
- elembiem records, LLC
- Element Records
- Elemental Media
- Elemental Records
- Elementree Records
- Elephant Size Productions
- Elephant Stone Records
- Elephanthaus Records
- Elevate Records
- elevator bath
- Elevator Music
- Eleven Records
- Eleven Thirty Records
- Elf Records
- Elfin Music Company
- eliasound records
- Elijah Records
- ELIS EIL Records
- Elite Music Group
- Elite Records
- Elizabeth Records
- Elkion Records
- Elm Street Records
- Elokim Records
- elsie and jack
- Elsinor Records
- Elwood Records
- Elyk Entertainment Group
- Elysium Recordings
- Em Dash Music
- Emaginary Studios
- emanate records
- Emanon Records
- EmArcy Records via Wikipedia
- Embacy Entertainment
- Embedded
- Embryo Records LLC
- Emerald Bay Records
- Emerald City Music Productions, Inc.
- Emerald City Records of Hollywood
- Emerald Green Sound Productions
- Emerald Records
- Emerge Recordings
- Emerge Records
- Emergency Umbrella Records
- Emerging Records
- Emerson Records
- EMF Media/Electronic Music Foundation
- EMI Gospel
- EMI Latin
- Emigre Inc.
- Eminence Records
- Eminent Records
- Emit Doog Music
- emogeddon records
- EMP Entertainment
- Emperor Jones
- Emperor Norton Records
- Emperor Penguin Recordings
- Emphasis Entertainment Group
- Emphasis Recordings
- Emphasis Records
- Emphatic Music & Media
- Empire Musicwerks
- Empire Records Inc.
- Empire Soundz
- Empire State Recordings
- Empire Thang Records
- Empress Recordings
- Empty Records US
- Empty Vessel Music
- EMPulse Records
- Empyrean Quest Publishers
- Empyrean Records
- Emtro Gospel
- eMultimedia Group, Inc.
- Emunity Records
- En Victora Records
- En-soul Records
- en:pegdigital
- enchanté records
- Enchanted Vibrations Records
- Enchanting Music
- Enclave Audio
- Encore Performance Recordings
- End Of The Circle Records
- The End Records
- End Records via Wikipedia
- End to End
- Endiem Records
- Endless Fight Records
- endless knot productions
- endless productions, Inc.
- Endless Records
- Endwell Records
- Enemy Line Records
- ENEMY Records
- Enemy Records
- Energy Castle
- Enessay Music
- Enexia Records
- Engine Company Records
- Engine Shed Records
- engliss
- Enjoy Records via Wikipedia
- Enlite Music
- Enneagram Records
- Enormous Records, LLC
- Enslave Records
- Entartete Kunst
- Enterruption
- Enthrone Records
- Entourage4Music
- Entropy Stereo
- Entry Label
- Entwine Records
- Enuma Recordings
- Envee Records
- Envelop Records
- Environ
- Environmentally Sound Recordings
- Envy Productions
- Envy Records
- EnZephyr Records Inc.
- Eolian Records
- Epic Records
- Epicenter Music
- Epicenter Records
- Epidemic Entertainment Incorporated
- Epidemic Records
- Epilogue Records
- Epiphany Records
- Epitaph Records
- Epitone Records
- Epoisse Records
- Epoxy and Duct Tape Solution
- EPP Entertainment
- EQ Records
- Equal Vision Records
- Equilibrium Music Group
- Equinox Music
- Equity Music Group
- Equus Productions and Records
- ERA Sound 1
- Erato Records via Wikipedia
- Erawan Records
- Eremite
- Eristikös
- Erlendahle Records
- ERMMedia
- Ernest Jenning Record Co.
- Eroica Classical Recordings
- Erosion Arts Records
- eRRatic Music
- Error404 Records
- Ersatz Audio
- Erstwhile Records
- Erth Records
- Erwin Music
- EsadRecords
- Escape Artist Records
- Escape Pod Records
- Eschatone Records
- Escovator Records
- Escuchalo Records
- ESF Records
- Esho
- eskimo kiss records
- Esmeralda Records
- Esntion Records
- Esotype records
- ESP Disk
- Espo Records
- Espy Records
- Espyionage Records
- Esquire Records
- ESS.A.Y Recordings
- Essay Records
- Essence of Now Records
- Essential Records
- Establishment Records
- Estrus Records
- eSunset Records
- Eternal Autumn Editions
- Eternal Beat Records
- Eternal Music
- Eterniti Records
- Eternity Entertainment
- Eternity's Jest Records
- ethedrone muzac
- etherdrag
- Ethereal Recordings
- Etherean Music
- Etheric Records
- Ethic Recordings
- Ethnic Warrior Productions
- eugene records
- Eulogy Recordings
- Eupholus Records
- Euphorbia Records
- Euphoria Jazz
- Euphoria Productions, Inc
- Euphoria Records
- Eurock
- Europa Pop
- Evander Music
- Evejim Records
- Evening Star Records
- Eventide Music Productions
- Ever Reviled Records
- Everglory Records
- Evergreen Music
- Evergreen Records
- Everlong Records
- Everloving Records
- Everreel Records
- Eversong Music
- EverSound
- Everton Production Unit
- Evil Eye Records
- Evil Legend Records
- Evil Teen Records
- EvilBase Recordings
- Evo Records
- Evol Egg Nart Recordings
- Evol Intent Recordings
- evolicRecords
- Evolution Records
- Evolving Media Enterprises Corporation
- Exact Science Productions
- Excalibur Records
- Excel Records via Wikipedia
- Excelsior Empire Records
- Excursion Records
- Executive Bird On A Judicial Branch
- Exemplar Music
- Exile Records
- EXIsTmusic
- Exit 12 Entertainment
- Exit Records
- exit stencil recordings
- Exodus
- Exodus Records via Wikipedia
- Exotic Fever Records
- Exotic Recordings
- Exowax Recordings
- Experience Recordings
- Experimental Division Nashville
- Exploitation Records
- Explorable Oriole
- Explosive Records
- Exponential
- Extant Music
- Extasy Records International
- Extra Small Records
- Extravertigo Recordings
- Exumbrella Records
- Eye Of The Storm Records
- Eye Reckon Records
- Eye Scream Records
- Eyeball Records
- Eyeneer Records
- Eyephunk
- EyerMusic
- Eyespin Records
- Eyran Records
External links[]
- AllRecordLabels.com very extensive site with links to over 22,000 current record labels