This is a list of record labels starting with J:
List of record labels | |||||||||||||
0-9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
- J Curve
- J Records
- J and N Records
- J-Bird Records
- J-Lynne Records, Inc.
- J-Rec's Productions
- j-shirt records
- J.D. Records
- J.L.P. Productions, Inc.
- J.M.A. Entertainment L.L.C.
- J.O.B. Records via Wikipedia
- Ja' Records
- Ja-cas! Records
- Jack Rabbit Productions
- Jack Street Records
- Jackalope Records
- Jackass Records
- Jacked Up Records
- Jackpine Records
- Jackson Street Records
- Jacob's Well Records
- JAD Records
- Jade Recordings
- Jade Tree
- Jaggo Records
- JAGUAR Records
- Jah Love Recordings
- Jah Scout Records
- JahGydeYah Records
- Jailhouse Records
- Jailhouse Recordz
- Jailhouse! Records
- JakAttak Records
- Jakumi Records, Inc.
- JAM Records
- Jamaica Natural Records
- Jamalar/Rampart Street Music
- Jamayka Recordings
- Jambo Music
- JamCat Records
- Jamron Records
- jane bear music
- Jang Slur Records
- Janglin' disChords
- Janus Records via Wikipedia
- JaQuzzi Records
- Jargon Records
- JaRic Records
- JAS Recording Company
- Jasman Records
- Jason Bush Entertainment
- JaThom Records
- JAV Recordings
- Java Records
- JAW Records
- Jawk Records
- Jaxalon Records
- Jaxsn Music
- Jaxum Records
- Jay-Bo Records
- Jazart Records
- JazCraft
- JazHarp Records
- JazHead Entertainment
- Jaznia Music Group
- Jazz 'm Up Records
- Jazz Alive Records
- Jazz Compass
- Jazz Crusade Records
- Jazz Doll Records
- Jazz Excursion Records
- Jazz Karma Records
- Jazz Link Enterprises
- Jazz Me Blues Music
- Jazz Professor Records
- Jazz Records Inc.
- Jazzateria
- Jazzbone Records
- JazzBridge Music LLC
- Jazzed Media
- Jazzed5 Records
- Jazzheads
- Jazzical Music
- JazzJaunts
- Jazzland Records via Wikipedia
- Jazzmont Records
- Jazznation Records
- Jazzology
- JazzStream Records
- JazzWorld.Com
- jB3 Music
- JBDJ Productions
- JCM Records
- JDR Recordings
- JDub Records
- Jealous Butcher Records
- Jealousy Records
- Jeff O's Retro Music
- Jefferson State Records
- Jeffhouse Records
- Jellybean Recordings
- Jen Bay Records
- Jenkins-Peabody
- Jerden Records
- Jerusalem Records
- Jesus Jams Records
- Jet Black Records
- Jet Glue Records
- Jetset Records
- JetSpeed Records
- Jett Black Entertainment
- Jettison Music
- Jewelled Antler
- Jewels Entertainment
- Jewelstone Records
- Jewish Music Group
- JHHP Records, Inc.
- Jib Door Records
- Jib Machine Records
- Jibber Records
- Jicama Salad Company
- Jiffyjam
- Jigsaw Records
- JIKKOU Records
- Jim's Pool Room
- JIP Records (Just Iss Planetary Records)
- Jireh Records
- Jive Electro Records
- Jive Records
- JKE Productions
- JM3 Records
- JMB Records
- JMF Records
- JMZ Records
- JnC Records
- Jobrielle Entertainment
- Joe & Joey records via Wikipedia
- Joe Anthony Productions
- JoeTown Records
- Johann's Face Records
- John Burrows Music
- John Marks Records
- John Shop Records
- Johnny's Records
- Jomar Records
- Jon Lax Music / Laxmedia
- Jonathan Digital Recordings
- Jonco Records
- JonJohnJohnny Music
- JONNY ICE Records
- jookmode entertainment
- Joplin & Sweeney Music
- Jordan Records
- Joseph Street Records
- Joule Records
- Journees Music
- Joyful Noise
- Joyous Shout!
- JP Music Group Inc
- JPopas Records
- JRB Records
- JSS Music
- The JSwan Music Group, Inc.
- JT Records
- Juana Records via Wikipedia
- Judah Records
- Judd Records via Wikipedia
- Judgement Records via Wikipedia
- Juice Recordings
- Juicy Music
- Juke Box Records via Wikipedia
- Juke Joint Records
- JukeBox RPM
- Julet Records
- Jumbie Records
- Jump Art! Records
- Jump Arts Records
- Jump Off Entertainment
- Jump Recordings
- Jump Start Records
- Jump Up Records
- Jumpoff Productions
- Jumpsuit Records
- Junction Records
- June Appal
- June Records
- Jungala
- Jungle Boogie Records
- Jungle Queen Records
- Jungle Sky Records
- Jungle Voodoo Recordings
- Junior Boy's Own via Wikipedia
- Junior Vasquez Music
- Juniper Records
- Junkyard Entertainment
- Jus Family Records
- Just Add Water Records
- Just Cut Records
- Just Dreams
- Just Me Records
- Just On GP Recordz
- Just One Entertainment
- Just Us Records
- JustLaw Records
- JW Records
External links[]
- very extensive site with links to over 22,000 current record labels