This is a list of record labels starting with O:
List of record labels | |||||||||||||
0-9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
- O Recordings
- O-Rama
- O.C. Records
- O.G. Recordings
- o.i.e. Records, Ltd.
- O.O.B.E. Music
- OA2 Records
- Oak Knoll Productions
- Oak Lawn Records
- OarFin Records
- Oblio Productions
- Obliq Recordings
- ObliqSound
- Obra Maestra Records
- Obscure-Disk
- Obscured Records
- Observatory Online
- Observing Andy Records/Rocknick Ent, Holdings LLC
- Occupancy 1 Records
- Ocean Drive Recordings
- Ocean Front Records
- Ocean Records
- Ocean Rhythm Records
- Oceanlight Records
- OceanStream Records
- OCF Records
- Octagon Records
- Octane Digital LLC
- Octane Records
- October Street Records Inc.
- Octone Records
- Octopus Recordings
- Odara Productions
- Odd Shaped Case
- Oddball Entertainment
- ODDIO Records
- Odds and Ends Music
- Ode Records via Wikipedia
- Odyssey Records
- Off Records
- Off The Block Entertainment
- Off the Chain Entertainment
- Off The Edge Records
- Off The Hook Records
- Official 1 Records
- offset records
- Offshore Recordings
- Offsite Records
- Offtime Records
- Offworld Music
- OffWorld Records
- Oglio Entertainment Group
- OgreOgress productions
- Oh Boy Records
- OH Music
- Oh Papa Music
- Ohio Gold Records
- Ohio Mob Squad Recordz
- Ohm Resistance
- Ohm Sound
- Ojet Records
- Okapi Records
- Okeh Records via Wikipedia
- Okra-Tone Records
- Olaris Records
- Old 3C Records
- Old 97 Wrecords
- Old Gold
- Old Hat Records
- Old House Records
- The Old Masters
- Old Pants Publishing
- Oldies-33 via Wikipedia
- Oldies-45 via Wikipedia
- Olive Juice Music
- Olive Records, Inc
- Olive Tree Record Company
- Olurum Records Ltd.
- Olympus Mons Records
- Om Records
- Omeganaut Records
- Omnibus Records
- Omnific Music
- Omnipotent Records
- Omniscient Records
- OMNIsound Recording
- OmniTone
- Omnium
- Omnivine Records
- Omoa Music
- Omplatten Records
- OMS Records
- OMS RecordZ
- on da map entertainment
- On The Block Records
- On the Corner Records
- On The Rag Records
- On The Rise Records
- On The Run Records
- On Top Records Inc.
- On-A-Mission Records
- ON-POINT! Entertainment
- On/On Switch
- onceaguru records
- One
- One Alternative
- One Day Savior Recordings
- One Dread Productions
- One Drop Recordings
- One Eighty Records, Inc.
- one melody records
- One Mind Entertainment
- One Nation Entertainment
- One Percent Records
- One Shot Records
- One Soul Records
- one step beyond records
- One Step Records
- One Voice
- One Way Productions
- One Way Up Enterprises
- One1Soul Records
- Onefoot Records
- OneLife Productions
- Oneness Records
- oneohfive records
- onethirty recordings
- Ongaku Records
- Oniric Records
- OnlineRock Records
- Only 1 Time Productions
- Only Way Out Entertainment Inc.
- Onomato
- Onyx Managment Services
- oodiscs, INC.
- Ooohh! That's Heavy
- OoohWeee Records
- Open Grave Records
- Open Path Music
- Open Road Records
- Open Sky Music
- Open Source Music
- Operation Phoenix Records
- Opiate
- Opposite Records
- Optic Echo Records
- Optikon Rekords
- optional records
- Opulent Records
- Opus Fromus
- Opuzz Inc
- Or Even Death Records
- Orac Records
- Orange Band Records
- Orange Betty Records
- Orange Entropy Records
- Orange Grove Records
- Orange Mound Records
- Orange Mountain Music
- Orange Peal Records
- Orange Recordings
- Orange Sky Records
- Orange Twin
- Orange Van Records
- Orangeworld Records
- Oratai Sound Salon
- Orbis Music
- Orbital Sound
- Orchestral Colour Records
- Organ Beat Records
- OrganArts
- Organic Music
- Organik Records
- Organik Rekordings
- Organised Noise
- Organized Game Records
- Organized Nature Recordings
- Origin Records
- Original Cast Records
- Original Records
- Original Sound Recordings
- Orillyon Entertainment LLC
- Oriole Records via Wikipedia
- Orion Productions
- Orison Music
- Orleans Records
- Orpheus Music
- Orsonic Records
- Orthlorng Musork
- Osiris Records
- Ossian USA
- Otá Records
- Other Minds
- The Other Voice Records
- Other-Side Records
- Otodisc Recordings
- OTPRecords
- OtterSong Records
- Ouch Records
- Ouija Reords
- Our Rock Records
- Ousted Records
- Out Da Blue Entertainment
- Out Front Music
- Out Of Limits
- Out of Order Records
- Out Of Round Records
- Out Records
- Out The Box Records
- Outarico Records
- Outback Records
- Outcat Records
- Outer Box Productions
- Outer Green Records
- Outer Realm Records
- Outhouse Records
- Outlet Sound Recordings
- Outline Records
- Outlook Music Company
- OUTofSPITE Records
- Outpunk Records via Wikipedia
- OutReach Records
- Outside DC Records
- Outsider Audio Recordings
- Outta My Way Records
- Outta Reach Records
- OuttaDaBlu Records
- Outtaline Records
- Outward Music Company
- Outwest Recordz
- OVA Records
- Oval Records
- Ovatronics Entertainment Group
- Over Dose Muzik
- Over The Top! Records
- Overcast Records
- Overcoat Recordings
- Overdog
- OverdoseMuzik
- Overeasy Records
- Overit Records
- Overkast Records
- Overlooked Records
- Overnight Music
- Overrated Records
- Overreactive Records
- Ovum Recordings
- Owise Eyes Entertainment
- Owl Eye Records
- Owl Productions
- Owl Recording, Inc.
- Owl Studios
- Owned and Operated Recordings
- OwnIt Music Entertainment
- ownlife records
- Oxford Records via Wikipedia
- Oxingale Records
- Oyate Music Group Recordings
- Oye Records
- OYO Music Group
- OYT Records
External links[]
- very extensive site with links to over 22,000 current record labels