This is a list of record labels starting with R:
List of record labels | |||||||||||||
0-9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
- R & S Records
- R.A.F.R. Records
- R.H.R. (Real Hip-Hop Records)
- R.O.A.D Records
- R.U.T. Records
- R4J Productions
- R9 records
- RA Records
- Rabadash Records
- Rabbid Rabbit Records
- Rabbit Ranch Records
- Rabin's Records
- Racer Records
- Racer-X-Productions
- Racing Heart Records
- RACo Records
- Radiant Recordings
- Radiant Records
- Radiation Records
- Radical House Records
- Radical Inc.
- Radical Records
- Radical Ruckus Records
- Radical Turf
- Radiex Records via Wikipedia
- Radikal Records
- Radio Angel Music
- Radio Eat Radio Recordings
- Radio Free Music
- Radio Khartoum
- Radioactive Records
- Radioclock Records
- Radiola Records
- Radon
- Raga Records
- Ragamuffin Recordz
- Ragdoll Records
- Rage Entertainment
- Ragemore Records
- Ragga Force® Music, Video and DVD
- raggmopp records
- Ragtime Continuum
- Rah Records
- Rahanna Music
- RAHM Nation Recordings, LLC
- Railyard Recordings
- Rain On Me Productions
- Rain Records
- Rainbow at Midnight Records
- Rainbow Quartz
- Rainbow Records via Wikipedia
- Rainforest Records
- Rainshadow Records
- Rainstorm Productions
- Rainy Day Records
- Rainy Records
- Rainyday Records
- Raising Moore Records
- Raiz'em up Records
- Raj Records
- Ralph America
- Rama Music
- Rama Records via Wikipedia
- Ramona Records
- Rampage Music
- Rampage Recordings
- Rampagge Records via Wikipedia
- Ranch Recording
- Random Chance Records
- Random Factors
- Random Groove Music Inc.
- Random Play Music
- Random Records, Inc.
- Random Rhythm Records
- Random Stereo Music
- Range Records
- Ranluron Records
- Ranwood Records
- Rap Junkie Records
- Rapalot Records
- raperoproductions
- Rapid Fire Records
- Rapid Pulse Records
- Rapid Response Recordings
- Rapitalism Records
- Rapscallion Records
- Raptivism Records
- Rapture
- Rapture Entertainment
- Rare Nimbus Records
- Rarefaction
- RAS Records
- Rasa Music
- Rascal Records
- RaSong Records
- Raspberry Sun Music
- RastaF.L.Y.T.E.
- Rastascan Records
- Rat Town Records
- RATE Records
- Rattle Records
- Rattle Tick Buzz Records
- Rattlesby Records
- Rave Police Records
- Rave Records
- Raven
- Ravenel Records
- Ravenous Records
- Ravenswave
- RaveOn Records via Wikipedia
- Raw Deal Records
- Raw Noise Records
- Raw Records
- Raw Street Records,LLC
- Rawkus Records
- A Ray Artists Music
- Ray Leonard Records
- Ray Time Records, Inc.
- Raymac Records via Wikipedia
- Raynstorm Music Group
- Razler Records, Inc.
- Razor & Tie
- Razorback Records
- Razzor Records
- RCA Nashville
- RCA Records
- RCA Red Seal and Victor
- RCA Victor Group
- RCM Records
- Re-Bop Records
- Reach Records
- Reaching Records
- Reaction Records
- Reactivation Media Recordings
- Reade Street Records
- Reader's Digest Music
- Ready Records
- Real 2 U Entertainment
- Real Artists' Records & Entertainment
- Real Deal Records
- Real Dream Music
- Real Estate Records
- Real Estate Recordz
- Real Hype Records
- Real Live Records
- Real Music
- Real Music Recordings
- Real Star Records
- Real Talk Entertainment
- Real Time Records
- Real!st Records
- RealGood Records
- Realistic Records
- Realisticom Records
- Reality Clash Records
- Reality Entertainment
- Reality Records
- Realization Recordings
- Realize Records
- Realm Music
- Realm Records International
- Reanimator Records
- Reaper Records
- Rear House Records
- Rebel Against Devils Entertainment/ Iron House Music
- Rebel Knight Records
- Rebel Phi Records
- Rebel Records
- Rebel Rose Productions
- Rebel Soul Music
- Rebels Trust
- Reboot Music
- Reborn Records
- Rebuilt Records
- Recess Records
- Recessive Gene Records
- Reckless DC Music
- Recluse Records
- Recombinations
- Recon Records
- Recon Records
- Record Cellar
- Record Chebasco
- Record Collection
- recordhead
- THE Records
- Records Records
- Recovery Recordings
- Recovery Records
- Recovery Records
- the Rectrix
- Recycled Notes Music Company
- Red and Blue
- Red Antenna
- Red Balloon Records
- Red Biddy Records
- Red Bird Records via Wikipedia
- Red Brick Records
- Red Bruin Recordings
- Red Carpet Ring
- Red Cellar Productions
- Red Circle Music
- Red Circus Records
- Red Clay Recordings
- Red Dot Entertainment
- Red Eye Records
- Red Fez Records
- Red Flavored Records
- Red Galaxy Records
- Red Giant Records
- Red Horse Records
- Red Hot Records
- Red House Records
- Red Ink
- Red Jagwire Records
- Red Leader Records
- Red Melon Records
- Red Menace Records
- Red Moon Records
- Red Nation Records
- red panda records
- Red Parlor
- Red Penguin Records
- Red Robin Records via Wikipedia
- Red Rover Records
- Red Seal Records via Wikipedia
- Red Seven Records
- Red Shoe Records
- Red Square Recordings
- Red Stapler Records
- Red Star Records
- Red Stone Records
- Red Stream, Inc
- Red Sundown Records
- Red Tape
- Red Thgil Entertainment
- Red Tide Records
- Red Triangle Records
- Red Vinyl Records
- Red Warrior Records
- Red Zero Records
- Red Zone Records
- Red-Blooded records
- Red-Haired Creeper Records
- Red-Handed Records
- Redbookrecords
- RedBox Records
- Redbud Records
- Redder Records
- The Redemption Recording Co
- Redemptive Realities Music
- Redemptive Records
- Redhead Records
- ReDiscovery
- Redlight Records
- Redrum Records
- Redrumm Recordz
- redshift recordings
- Redshift Records
- Reduced Phat
- Redwing Music
- Redwood Records
- Redzone Records
- Reed Records
- Reeds Valley Records
- Reel Geez Entertainment
- Reel Records
- Reference Recordings
- Refined Records & Entertainment
- Reflective Records
- Refracted Recordings
- ReFunkdafied Records, Inc.
- Regal Records via Wikipedia
- Regency Records via Wikipedia
- Reggaeton LA
- Regimental Records
- Rego Irish Records
- Regress Records
- Rehab Records
- Rehash Records
- Reify
- Reign
- Reign Check Entertainment
- Reigning Kingz Entertainment
- ReIgnition Recordings
- Reincarnate Music
- Reinforcement Records
- Reject Records
- Rejected Records
- Rejoice Records via Wikipedia
- Rekkid Records
- Rekles Entertainment
- rekords rekords
- Relapse Audio
- Relapse Records
- The Relaxation Company
- Release
- Release:22 Recordings
- Relentless Pursuit Records
- Relentless Way Records
- Relentless/Nashville
- Reliant Entertainment
- Relief Records
- Relix Records
- Reload Record Company
- Reload Records
- Reloaded Records/Atlantic Records
- Remains
- Rematter Music
- Remba Records
- Remedial Records
- Remington-Morse Records via Wikipedia
- Remnant Music Group
- Remnant Records
- Renaissance Records
- Renaissance Records, Inc.
- Renata Music
- Renegade Virus
- Renown Records
- rent control records
- Repercussion Records
- Replicant Records
- Replikon Music
- Repossession Records
- Reprise Records, Inc
- Reproductive Records
- Reps Music Group
- Reptile Recordings
- Reptile Records
- Reptilian Records
- Republic of Texas Recordings
- Republic Records
- ReQuest Records
- Res Freq Recordings
- Rescue Records
- ReServed Records
- Reservoir Music
- Reservoir Records
- Residual Recordings
- Resin Records
- Resipiscent
- Resist Records
- Resistance Recordings
- Resisted Resonance Records
- Resmiranda Records
- resonant-soul records inc.
- resonateRECORDS
- Resort Records
- Resource Records
- Respect Recordings
- Respek Records
- Response Records
- Rest In Peace Records
- Restless Records
- Restoration Records
- Resurrection A.D. Records
- Retak Records
- Retard Disco
- Reth Music Group
- Reticent Recordings
- Retro Elektro Records
- Retrospect Records
- Return Records
- Reunion Records
- Revelation Records
- Revelations Recordings
- Revels Records
- Revenant Records
- Reverbose Records
- Reversible Records
- Revive Entertainment
- Revived Records
- Revolt Records
- Revolution Records
- RevUp Records
- Rewind Records
- Rex House Music
- Rexrode Records
- Rezillient Records
- rezonate records
- RGA Records
- Rhamarooudoh Recordings
- RHI Records
- Rhino Records
- Rhombus Records
- Rhyme Records
- Rhymesayers Entertainment
- Rhyolite Records
- Rhystop
- Rhythm & Culture Recordings
- Rhythm & Roll Records
- Rhythm Collective
- Rhythm Crew Records
- Rhythm Drive Records
- Rhythm House Records
- Rhythm Muse Records
- Rhythm Recordings
- Rhythm Safari
- Rhythm Signal Records
- RhythmLove
- Rhythms of the Globe
- Ricanstruction Label
- Riche Rich Records
- Richh Kiddz Entertainment
- RichHeart Music
- Richter Records
- Rickso Facto Music Co.
- Ride Records via Wikipedia
- Riff Rat Records
- Riffstar Co.
- Rigel Records, Ltd.
- Rigged Records
- Right Cross Entertainment
- Right Now Records
- Right On Records
- Right On Rhythm
- Right on Zero Records
- Right Place Records
- The Right Stuff Records
- Righteous Babe Records
- Rim Records
- Ringing Ear Records
- Ringo Records
- Ringtone Records
- Rink-E-Dink Records
- Rip Off Records
- Rip Shop Records
- Rip Tide Records
- Ripcord Entertainment
- Ripe Records
- Ripete Records
- Rise Records
- Rise Above Records
- Risen Son Records
- Rising Son Records
- Rising Tide Records via Wikipedia
- Rite Track Records
- Rithum Records
- Riti Records
- Ritmo Records
- Ritual Sounds
- Rival Records
- River Siren Productions
- Rivercidal Syndicate Records
- Riverflow Entertainment
- Riverlark
- Rivermont Records
- Riverside Records via Wikipedia
- Riverview Records
- Rivery Records
- Rizing Lion Productionz
- Rizing Records
- RKM Music
- RKO Records
- RLS Records Nashville
- RM Records
- RNR Records
- ROA Records
- Road Cat Records
- Road Cone
- Road Records
- Road to Boston
- Roadrunner Records
- Roam Recordings
- Roam Records
- Roam The River Records
- Roaratorio
- Rob's House Records
- Rob-Fra Enterprises
- Robber Baron Music
- Robbins Entertainment
- Robin Records
- Robot Monster Records
- Robot Records
- Robotic Empire
- Roc 4 Roc Records
- Roc Bottom Inc.
- ROC Diamond Records
- Roc Records
- Roc-a-fella Records
- Rocco Entertainment Inc.
- Rock & Roll Play Records
- Rock Bottom Blues Company
- Rock City Records
- Rock Garden Records
- Rock House Records
- Rock Me Baby Records
- Rock My Soul Records
- Rock N Roll Express Entertainment
- Rock Out Records
- Rock Solid Music
- Rock Solid Records
- Rock-A-Bye Records LLC
- Rockadelic Records
- Rockaplaya Records
- Rockathon Records
- RockBox Records
- Rocket City Records
- Rocket Racer
- Rocket Records, Inc.
- Rocket Science Records
- Rocketeria Records
- Rocketown Records
- RocketStar Recordings
- Rockin' Camel Music
- Rockin' Rowe Records
- Rockinglittle Records
- RockIt Records & Recording
- Rockotron
- Rocks & Rolling Records
- Rockstone Records
- Rocky Mountain Records
- Rococo Records
- Rodent Popsicle Records
- Rodent Records
- ROE Entertainment
- ROE Records
- Roesch Records, Inc.
- Rogue Enterprises
- ROIR (Reach Out International Records)
- Rok Lok Records
- Rokcircle
- Roll Out Records
- Rolling Cloud Records
- Rolling Storm Communications Corporation
- Rolling Thunder Records
- Romanced Records
- romantek records
- Romantic Records
- Roméo Records
- Romeo Records via Wikipedia
- Ron King Records
- Ron Walters Records
- Room Eleven Music
- Rooster Blues
- Roostercow Records
- Root Cellar Records
- Root Records via Wikipedia
- Root# Records
- Roots Down Music
- Roots N' Blues
- ropeadope
- Rora Records
- Rose Music Co. & Amy Lane Entertainment
- Rose Records
- Roseleaf Records
- Rosemont Recordings
- Rosewater Records
- Rosewood Records
- Roslyn Recordings
- Rostrum Records
- Rotary Totem Records
- Rotary-Dial Records
- Rotisserie Records
- Rotten Records
- Rotting Corpse Records
- Rotting Records
- Roubik Records
- Rouge Records
- Rough Stone Records
- Rough World Records
- Roughdraft Records
- Roughedge Records
- Roughshod Records
- Roulette Records
- Round 1 Records
- Round 13 Records
- Round Circle Records
- Round Flat Records
- Round Sky Music
- Roundabout Records LLC
- Rounder Records Corp
- RoundTable Records, Inc.
- route fourteen records
- Roverbird Recordings
- Rowboat Records
- Rowdy Records via Wikipedia
- Rowing At Sea
- Rowntree Records
- royal ark music
- Royal Black Entertainment
- Royal Empire Records
- Royal Flush Records
- Royal Laundry Records
- Royal Tone Records
- RoyalT Records/BUMPitLOUD Productions.,LLC
- Royalty, Etc. Records
- Rozes Geez Entertainment
- RPM Records
- RRAAAH Records
- RRO Entertainment, LLC
- RRRecords
- RSM Records
- RTFM Records
- RTS Records
- Ru 1 Records
- Ru-eL entertainment
- Ruark Records
- Rub Wrongways Records
- Rubber Band Records
- Rubric Records
- Ruby Records
- Ruby Records
- Ruby Star Records
- Ruckus Productions
- Rude Maneuvers Industries
- Rudolf Music
- Rudy's Bluegrass
- Rue Royal Records
- Rueshell Records
- Ruff inc.
- Ruff Music Group
- Ruff Recordings
- Ruff Stuff Records
- Ruffhouse Records via Wikipedia
- RuffLife Recordz
- RuffNation Records
- Rugged Records
- Rugged Soul Records
- RugRubber Records
- Rukkus Entertainment
- Rukus Avenue
- Rumble Kulture Recordings
- Rumble Records
- RUMURecords
- Run Wild Records
- run8records
- Runaway Records
- Running Records
- RunRoc Records
- Rural Rhythm
- RUSH Productions Records
- Rusha Moon Records
- Rushmore Records
- Russian River Records
- russolo's brain
- Rust Records via Wikipedia
- Rustic Records
- Rusty Key Record Company
- Ruthless Rabbit Records
- Ruthless Records
- Ryanetics Music, Ltd.
- Rye Records
- Rykodisc
- rymatica recordings
- RZ Records
External links[]
- very extensive site with links to over 22,000 current record labels