This is a list of record labels starting with S:
List of record labels | |||||||||||||
0-9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
- S-Beat Records
- S-Curve Records
- S-S Records
- S. Carter Records via Wikipedia
- S.A.R
- S.E.E.D. Recordings
- S.F.P. Records
- S3 Records
- Saber Records, Inc.
- Sable Mountain Records
- Sabot Productions
- SAC Records
- Sachimay Records
- Sack it up records
- Sack of Shit Records
- Sacred Records via Wikipedia
- Sacrificial Hamster Records
- Sad Robot Records
- Saddle Creek
- Saddle Records
- Sadheel Records
- Sadistic Clique Records
- Sadistic Records
- Safe House Records
- Safe In Sound Music
- Sage Arts Records
- Saguaro Beach Records
- SAID records
- The Saint Philomena Foundation
- Saint Thomas Records
- Saja Records via Wikipedia
- Salmon Brook Records
- Salsoul Records via Wikipedia
- Salt Lady Records
- Salted Music
- Saltwater Records
- Saltwater Wreckherds
- Salvage Productions
- Salvatori Productions
- Samba Moon Records
- Same Room Records
- SamHawk Records
- Sammasati Music
- Sample Records
- Sampler Records
- Samplistic Records
- samsa records
- Samsara Recordings Camp
- Samskar Music
- Samurai Records
- San Jacinto Records
- San Jose Sound Recording Company
- Sandbox Records
- Sandcastle Communications
- SandRidge Records
- Sandsong Road Musicworks
- Sandstone
- Sane Records
- Sanitary Soundz
- Santa Rita Records
- Sao Bento Music
- Saphu Records
- SAR Records via Wikipedia
- Sarathan Records
- Sardonic Sounds
- SASS Music Publishing
- Sasshaye Records
- Satamile
- Satellite Transmissions
- Satellites Records
- Sauerkraut357
- Sauna Records
- Saustex Media
- Savage Records
- Savana Records
- Savant Records
- Savoy Jazz
- Savoy Records via Wikipedia
- Savv Records
- Savvy Records via Wikipedia
- Saw Recordings
- Sawdust Alley Productions
- Saxony Records
- Say Hey Records
- Say-Listen! Studios
- Say-Ten Records
- Sayre Records
- SBE Records
- SBK Records via Wikipedia
- Scandal Records
- Scandinavia NYC
- Scar City Records
- Scarab Records
- Scarcelight Recordings
- Scared Bird Music
- Scarwinds Records
- Scat Cat Records
- Scat Records
- Scatalogics Records
- Scattered Music
- Scenester Credentials
- Sceneville Records
- Scepter Records via Wikipedia
- Scepterstein Records
- schapendoes records
- Schedule Two Records
- Schematic Music Corp.
- Scherf Music
- Schirmer Records via Wikipedia
- Schismatik
- School Glue Records
- School Records
- Schoolkids Records
- Schwa Records
- SCI Fidelity Records
- Sci Phi Recordings
- Science Drop Industries
- Scientia Recordings
- Scientific Records
- SCIONtific Records
- Scissor Death
- SCM Records
- Scooch Pooch Records
- Scooter Pop Records
- Scooter Records
- ScorCap Entertainment
- Scorched Records
- Scorpion Entertainment
- Scorpion Records
- Scott Lynn Records
- Scotti Brothers Records via Wikipedia
- Scourge Records
- SCR Records
- Scratch and Sniff Records
- Scratchie Records
- Scratchpaper Productions
- Scream Records
- Screaming Beaver Records
- Screaming Dogg Productions
- Screaming Fan Records
- Screaming Ferret Wreckords
- Screamingbird Records
- Screen Door Records
- ScreenMusic International
- Screwgun Records
- ScribbleSongs
- Scufflin' Records
- SDG Records
- SDS Productions
- SE Entertainment Records
- Se7en Room Music
- Sea Breeze Jazz
- Sea Lion Records
- Seacliff Records
- the seagull label
- Sealed Fate Records
- Sealed Lip Records
- SeaMyst Records & Productions
- Search and Rescue Records
- Search For Terrestrial Intelligence
- SeaReal
- Seasoned Music
- Seasons Recordings
- Seattle Pro Musica
- Sebadukes Recordings
- seclusion records
- Seco Records
- Second Coming Records
- Second Nature Recordings
- Second Notice Music
- Second Step Music
- Secret Crush Records
- Secret Eye
- Secret Formula Records, Inc.
- Secret Jazz Entertainment
- Secret Owl Society
- Secret Police
- Secret Road Records
- Secret Sun Recordings
- Secretly Canadian
- Section 44 Records
- Sector 9 Studios
- Sector Damage media projects
- Sector Five Records
- Sedimental Records
- Sedition Records
- Seduction Records
- seed knowledge
- Seedless Records
- Seedling Records
- Seeley Music Productions
- SeeSaw Records
- Sefarad Records Corp.
- Segment
- Segue Records
- Seismic Records Detroit
- Seismophonic Records
- selahrecords
- Seldom Scene Records
- Select Recordings
- Selective Recordings
- Self Abuse Records
- Self-Made Records
- Self-Satisfied
- The Self-Starter Foundation
- Semisexual
- send help
- Sensation Recordings
- Sensational Entertainment Records
- Senseless Entertainment
- Sensitive Redneck Records
- SENTRALL Records
- Senu Records
- Sepia Tone Records
- Sequence Records
- Sequoia Records
- Seraph
- Seraphim Records
- Serene Productions
- Serenitia Entertainment, Inc.
- Serenity
- Serenity Entertainment, Inc.
- Serial Sikk Recordz
- Serious Business Records
- Serious Vanity Music
- Serjical Strike Records
- Serotonin Records
- Serpentine Music Productions
- Sessions Records
- Set For Life Records
- Set in Stone
- Seven Figgaz Intertainment
- Seven Figure Inc.
- Seven Heads Recordings
- Seventh Generation Records
- Seventh Heaven Records
- Seventh Level Records
- Severe Records
- Severn Records
- The Sewer Anchovies Society
- Sexy Killer Records
- Sexy RockStar Records
- sfv Records
- SGE Records
- SGM Records
- SGM Records, Record Label & Production Company, LLC.
- SGR Music Group
- Sh-K-Boom Records
- ShackRock Recordings
- Shade Records
- Shadow Kingdom Records
- Shadow Print Records
- Shadow Records
- Shadow Records
- Shadow Veil Records
- Shadow-Law Recordings
- Shadowboyz Entertainment
- Shadowkid
- ShadowMan Entertainment, Inc.
- Shady Records
- Shake It!
- Shakti Records
- Shaman Work Recordings
- Shanachie Entertainment
- Shane Records
- Shangri-la Projects
- Shank Records
- Shaolin Records
- Sharing Machine
- Shark Bite Records
- Shark Meat Records
- SharkAttack! Music
- Sharp Nine Records
- Sharpnote Records
- shathouse records
- Shatta Records
- Shazam Records
- She's Gone Records
- Sheehan CD's
- Sheep in Wolf's Clothing
- Sheet/Rock Records
- Sheffield Lab Recordings
- Shelflife Records
- Shell Point Records
- Shellfish Recording Company
- Shelter from the Storm Records
- Shelter Records
- Sheridan Square Records via CD Universe
- Sheweytrax
- Shewins Entertainment
- Shifty
- Shimmy Disc Records
- Shine Records
- Shining Light Records
- Shining Star Music
- shinkoyo
- Shipwrecords
- Shira Records
- Shire Records
- Shmat Records
- Sho'Nuff Records
- Sho-Bud Music
- sho-nuff gospel records
- Shock City Records LLC
- Shock-Proof Productions
- Shoestring Angel Records
- Shoestring Records
- Shoetree Records
- ShootStyle Records
- Shop Records
- Short Circuit Records
- Short Round Records
- Shortwave Syndicate
- Shotland One Records
- Shotzi Records
- Shou Records
- Shout Records via Wikipedia
- Shout! Factory
- show and tell recordings
- Show Dog Nashville
- Shower-Tone Records
- Showerdown Production
- Showtyme Entertainment
- Shrapnel Label Group
- Shrine Records via Wikipedia
- Shroom Productions
- Shtick This Records
- Shu-Bu Records
- Shurhit Records
- Shut Eye Records
- Shut Up! I Love You Records
- Shva Muzik
- Shziggz Recordz
- Sick Bay Records
- Sick Muse
- Sick Room Records LTD
- Sickboy Records
- sickstrumentals
- Sicsense Records
- Side Hustle Entertainment
- Side One Dummy Records
- Side Seven Records
- Sideburn Records
- SideCho Records
- SideKick Records
- SideOneDummy Records
- Sidetraxx Records
- Sideways Entertainment
- Sierra Recordings
- Sierra Records
- Siesta Music
- Sifted Recordings
- The Sign Language Record
- Signal Records
- Signal Sound Systems Records
- Signature Sound Recordings
- Significant Other Records
- Sik Pup Records
- Siladi Records
- Silber Records
- Silencer Records
- Silent North Records
- Silent Planet Records
- Silent Records
- Silent Spirit Records
- Silent Stereo Records
- Silent Uproar Records
- Silica Records Inc
- Silk City Records
- SilkyTones Entertainment
- Siltbreeze Records
- Siltown Records
- Silva Dom Records
- Silver City Records
- Silver Dragon Records
- Silver Echo Records
- Silver Girl Records
- Silver Kamel Audio
- Silver Moon Music
- Silver Pearl Records
- Silver Star Records Inc.
- Silver Wave Records
- Silverado Records
- SilverLake Records
- Silverline Records
- Silverthree Sound Recordings
- Silvertip Records
- Silvertone Records via Wikipedia
- Silverwolf Records
- Silvery Moon Records
- Simba Recordings
- Simba Records
- simballrec
- SimchahRecords
- Simian Records
- Simig Media Records
- Simmer Music
- Simmons Time Records
- Simpatico Records
- Simple Answer
- Simple Machines
- Simple Solution Records
- Simple Soul Recordings
- Simply Smokin' Records
- Simply Social
- Simply Useless Recordings
- Simulacra Records
- Simulated
- Simulcast
- Sin Klub Entertainment
- Sin-Drome Records
- SINC recordings
- Sindicated Records
- Singing Wolf Records
- Single Coil Records
- Sinister Handshake Records
- Sinister Label
- SINister Records
- Sink or Swim Records
- SINless Records
- Sir Eel Records
- Sir Nite Production
- Sire Records
- Siren Songs Records
- The Sirens Records
- Sirens Records
- Sirenum Records
- Siri Music
- Sirious Records
- SirReal Records
- Sister Ruby Records
- Sister Z Music
- Sit-n-Spin Records
- Sitnspin Records
- Sittin' In With the Greats
- Sivad Music
- Six Degrees Records
- Six Finger Records
- six records
- Six Stars Records
- six string records
- Six Weeks Records
- Six-0-One Records
- Sixgunlover Records
- sixstepsrecords
- Sixty One Sixty Eight
- Sixx Deuce Entertainment
- siyoku satsu/mindgerm recordings
- Size Twelve Records
- Sizzle Records
- SK2 Records
- Sk8Core Records
- Skaggs Family Records
- Skand-Luz Records
- Skatey Productions
- Skean Dhu Recordings
- skeletal film records
- Skeleton
- Skeptical Cat Recordings
- Skiez Da Limit Productions
- Skillet Records
- Skills Recordings
- SKiN GRAFT Records
- Skinny Bwoy
- Skinny Chest
- Skinny Leg Productions
- Skip To My Loot Records
- Skip's Animal Company
- Skipping Discs
- Skipping Stones Records
- Skirl Records
- SKOR Records
- Skrewed Records
- Skrocki Records
- sks records
- Skullr Records
- Skunk Records, Inc.
- Sky Blue Records
- Sky Hi Records
- Sky Rapper Rekordz
- Skybucket Records
- Skygazer Records
- Skygod Entertainment
- SkyLight Music
- Skyline Records
- Skynet Recordings
- Skypropeller
- Skysong Music
- SL Entertainment Group (SLEG Records)
- Slaag Records
- Slab-O-Wax Records
- slabco
- Slackertone
- Slackin Brackin Productions
- Slackjaw Records
- SLAM!Records
- SlamJamz
- Slanted House Records
- Slap A Ham
- Slapart
- Slash Records via Wikipedia
- Slaughterhouse Music
- Slave Indvstries
- Slave Union Records
- Sleaze Industries
- Sleek Records
- sleep on the floor
- Sleepface Records
- Sleeping Dog Records
- Sleeping Giant Records
- Sleepsound Records
- Sleepy Hollow Records
- Sleepy Records
- Slept On Fam Entertainment
- Slept On Records
- Slewfoot Records
- Slice Records
- Sliced Bread Records
- Slide Rock Records
- Slide the Needle
- SlideBack Entertainment, Inc.
- Slider Music
- Sling Slang Records
- Slingshot Records
- Slip-n-Slide Records
- Slipdisc Records
- Slipstream Records
- Slit Jockey Records
- SLK Entertainment
- Slo Bor Media
- Slobfarm
- Slow Burn Records
- Slow Down Records
- Slow Gun Records
- Slow January Records
- Slow Wine Music
- Slowdance
- Slowdime Records
- SLSK Records
- slugcult records
- Slugfest Records
- Sluggerz Entertainment
- Slumberland Records
- Slumlord Music Group
- Slutfish Records
- Sly Dog Records
- Smack Dab in the Middle Records
- Smackaya Face Recordings, Inc.
- Smackdown! Records
- Smacks Records
- small brain records
- small stone records
- Small Town Records
- Smalls Records
- Smart Ass Records
- Smart Noise Records
- SmartGuy Records
- Smash Alley Records
- Smash Brothers Entertainment
- Smash Hit Music Co.
- smasheasy
- Smashtrax Music
- SMC Recordings
- SMC Records via CD Universe
- SMEC Records
- SMEEP Records
- Smells Like Records
- Smiff Records
- Smile Now Records
- Smile Records
- Smiley Jones Records
- Smillism Entertainment Inc
- Smith Music Group
- Smithsonian Folkways Recordings
- Smobb Muzic
- Smog Veil Records
- smoke n profits
- Smoked Out Records
- Smokehouse Records
- SmokeStack Records
- Smoketown Records
- Smokeylung Recordings
- Smoky Treat Records
- Smooch Records
- Smooth Agent Records
- Smooth Dirty Productions
- Smooth Sailing Records
- Smoothma Muse Records
- Smorgasbord Records
- SMP Records
- SMS Jazz
- Snack Records
- Snackbag Records
- Snail on a Stick Records
- SnailWorx
- Snake City Music
- Snapdragon Records
- Snarg Records
- Sneakmove
- snip-snip records
- Snotty Rocker Records
- Snowglobe Records
- Snowplow Records
- Snyper Records
- So Broken Recordings
- The So Called Records
- So Deep Music
- So Fair Music
- So Fast Entertainment
- So Good Music
- So Low Down Records
- So Serious Entertainment
- So Slimm
- So So Def Recordings
- So So Def Records
- So Sound Recordings
- So Super
-, Inc.
- The Soaring Music Group
- The Social Registry
- Society Hill Recordings
- Society of No
- Society Recordings via Wikipedia
- Society Records
- Soco Audio
- Socyermom Records
- Soda Jerk Records
- Soft Abuse
- Softdrive Records
- Soigne' Records
- Soiree Records International
- Sojourner Records
- Solar Blue Records
- Solar Flare Records
- SOLAR Records via Wikipedia
- Sole Channel Music
- Sole Records
- Soleilmoon Recordings
- SoleSides
- Solid Air Records
- Solid Ground Records
- Solid Records
- Solid Rock Records via Wikipedia
- Solid State Records
- Solid Walnut Music
- Solidified Records
- Solitaire Records
- Solitary Confinement Records
- Solmatic Records
- Solo 523 Records
- Solo Art
- SoloWinds
- Solponticello
- Solu Music
- Solution Records
- Solution6 Records
- Some Guy Down the Street Records
- Some Records
- Somedaynever
- someoddpilot records
- Something Sacred
- Somia Music
- Somis Sound
- Somnambulant Corpse Recordings
- Somnimage Corporation
- Somos Hip Hop Records
- Son del Barrio Music
- son of freud records
- sonaBLAST! Records
- Sonance Records
- Soñar Records
- Song Bird Records via Wikipedia
- Song Garden Music Group
- Song Haus Music
- Song of Songs Music
- The Song of Songs Records Inc.
- Songdog Records
- Songs of David
- Songscape Productions, Inc.
- SongTree Records
- Songwriter Records
- Songwriter Umbrella
- Sonic Abyss Records
- Sonic Blitz Records
- sonic bloom
- Sonic Boom Recordings
- Sonic Boomerang Records
- Sonic Convergence
- Sonic Frenzy Records
- Sonic Groove
- Sonic Images Records
- Sonic Mind Records
- Sonic Past Music
- Sonic Reaction Productions
- Sonic Records
- Sonic Safari Music
- Sonic Sorbet Records
- Sonic Soul Productions
- Sonic Swirl Records
- Sonic Syrup
- Sonic Therapy
- Sonic Thrust Records
- Sonic Trout
- Sonic Underground Records
- Sonic Wave International
- Sonic Whiplash
- Sonicbeat Records
- Sonicterror Recordings
- Sonika Records
- SonIQuarium
- Sonitus Records
- Sonnig Records
- Sonoface Records
- Sonora Productions
- Sonora Records
- Sonosphere
- Sonrise Music Co.
- Sons of Sound
- Sons of Sunshine Records
- Sonspot Records
- Sonus West Records
- Sony Classical
- Sony Music Entertainment Inc
- Sony Music Nashville
- Sony Wonder
- Soooo Intense International
- Soothsay Records
- Soothsayer Recordings
- Sophia Records
- Sophist Productions
- Soreal Entertainment
- Sorry For The Memories Records
- Sort Of Records
- SOS Records
- Sotti Records, LLC
- Soul Cipher Records
- Soul Coast Productions
- Soul Dojo Inc.
- Soul Food Records
- Soul Groove Records
- Soul Hood Entertainment, LLC
- Soul Joy Records
- Soul Kid Records
- Soul Kreations Entertainment
- Soul Link Records
- Soul Phusion Records
- Soul Purpose Records
- Soul Resonance Productions
- Soul Sauce Recordings
- Soul Support Recordings
- Soul Surfer Records
- Soul9 Records
- Soular Records
- Soularise
- Soulective Entertainment
- Soulful Sound Music
- Soulfuric Recordings
- Soulfyne Entertainment Group (SEG)
- Soulkeeper Music
- Soulmine Records
- SoulMuzick Recordings
- Soulow Records
- Soulplanet Recordings
- Soulsearch Music
- Soulseek Records
- SoulShine Recordings
- Soulspazm Records
- Soulsupplement Records
- Soultek
- soultheft records, inc.
- Soultraxx Records
- Sound Alliance Recordings
- Sound Art Recordings
- Sound City Music
- Sound Consortium
- Sound Gems Records
- Sound In Color
- Sound Logic LLC
- Sound Mindz Records
- Sound of America Records
- Sound Of New Orleans
- Sound of Soul Records
- Sound Pollution Records
- Sound Records
- Sound Signature
- Sound Sphere Recordings
- Sound Stop Music
- Sound Stream Studio
- Sound Tracker
- Sound-Ink Records
- The Sound-O-Mat
- Soundbrush Records
- Soundchron Records
- Soundco Records
- SoundCore Records
- SoundDaddy Records
- SoundFactory Records
- Soundgizmo Audio
- Soundies
- Soundings of The Planet
- Soundlab Records
- Soundproof Music
- Sounds Are Active
- Sounds of the Dead Records
- Sounds True
- Sounds Unique Muzik
- Soundset Recordings
- Soundside Records
- Soundsketch Records
- Soundstage 15 Records
- Soundtracks Records
- SoundVision Entertainment, Inc.
- Soundwave Entertainment
- SourMash Records USA
- SourPop Records
- South Bay Records
- South Beach Underground
- South Psycho Cide Productions
- South Side Records
- South Star Entertainment LLC
- South49 Records
- Southbound Records USA
- Southcity Records
- Southeast Outlaw
- Southern Cross Records
- Southern Empire ent.
- Southern Lord Recordings
- Southern Love Records
- Southern Metal Records
- Southern Records Group
- Southern Style Records
- Southern Tracks Records
- Southern Vibe Entertainment
- Media Group
- SouthernBoi Entertainment Inc
- Southland
- Southport Records
- Southside records
- Southside Recordz
- SouthStarr Records
- SouthSyde Entertainment
- Soutrane Records
- Souvenir Records
- Souzaphone Records
- Sovereign Productions Inc.
- Sovereign Records
- SPA Records
- Space for Music Records
- Spacekat Records
- SpaceLAB Records
- Spaceland Recordings
- Spacement Records
- Spade Kitty Records
- Spade Recordings
- Spade Records
- SPAM Records via Wikipedia
- Spamusica
- Spanish Fly Records
- Spann Records
- Spark Recordings
- Sparkle Records
- Sparkling Beatnik
- Sparks Of Genius
- Sparrow Label Group
- Spasthmatic Records
- Spat! Records
- Speakeasy Records
- Spearhead Entertainment
- Special Music by Special People
- Specialty Records via Wikipedia
- Spectra Records
- Spectral Concepts
- Spectral Sound
- Spent Decibel
- Sphere of Hip Hop
- Sphere Sound®
- Spheric Recordings
- Sphincter Records
- Sphinx Records
- Spin Box Club
- Spin Move Records
- Spin the World, LLC
- Spina Records/Ospina Digital
- Spinario Records
- spinART Records
- Spindust Records
- The Spinks Music Group
- Spinnin' Records
- Spinout Records
- Spinster Records
- Spiral Galaxy Records
- Spiral Records
- Spiralight Recordings
- Spired Records
- spirit of orr
- Spirit Wing Records
- Spirithouse Records
- Spiritland Records
- Spiritone Records
- Spit Game Records/ SG Entertainment
- Spitco records
- Spitfire Records
- Spittin' Records
- Spivak Records
- Splash Records
- SPLIT Seven Records
- Split2nd Entertainment
- Sponge Records
- Spontaneous Combustion Records
- Spook City Records
- Spoot Music
- sport.records
- Sportn' Life Records
- Spot Records
- Spoth Records
- Spotlight Records
- Spotted Peccary Music
- Spring Garden Music
- Spring Hill Music
- Spring Hill Music Group
- Spring Street Records
- SpringBound Music
- Springman Records
- SPS Records
- Spumoni Records
- Spundae Recordings
- Spunk Rock Records
- Spunout Records
- Sputnik! Eat Dust
- Spy Records
- Spy Squirrel Records
- Spy-Fi Records
- SpyTech Records
- Squank Entertainment
- Square Of Opposition Records
- Square Park Entertainment
- Square Room Records
- Square Root Records
- Square Shaped Records
- Square Target Records
- square's records
- A squared Muzik
- Squealer Music
- Squeeze Records
- Squid Music
- Squid Vs Whale: A Record Company
- Squids Eye Records
- Squint Entertainment via Wikipedia
- Squirrel Boy Records
- SRC Street Records Corporation
- Srednas Enterprises
- SRI Records/SRI Jazz
- SRM Records
- SSBO Records
- SSP Records
- SSS Recordings
- SST Records
- SSV Records
- St. Olaf Records
- St. Roch Records
- Stab! Stab! Stab! a record label
- Stable Records
- Stack Dough Ent.
- Stacked Game Records
- StackedBatch Records
- Stacks On Deck Ent.
- Stag Records
- Stained Glass Jazz
- Stand Alone Muzik
- Stand and Deliver Records
- Stand On The Ocean Records
- Stand Up! Records
- Standard Recording Company
- Standfire Records
- Standing Stone Recording Company
- Stanton Park Records
- Stanton St. Records
- Star 69 Records
- Star Chaser Records
- Star City Records
- Star Clock Records
- Star Records
- Star Song Communications via Wikipedia
- Star Trak Entertainment
- Star-day King Records via Wikipedia
- Starbucks Hear Music
- Starbug Records
- Stardust Of Nashville
- Starfire Muse Productions
- starfire records
- Stargate Records
- Starkland
- Starlicity Records
- Starlight Records
- Starling Kitty Label (SKL)
- starlit records
- StarPlay Records
- Starr Records via Wikipedia
- Starship Records
- StarTime International Records
- Stasisfield
- State of Mind Recordings
- State of the Art Recordings
- State St. Recordings, L.L.C.
- States Records via Wikipedia
- States' Rights Records
- Static Records
- Static Sky Records
- staticwhitesound
- Statra Recordings
- Statue Records Group
- Status REC
- Status Recordings
- Stax Records
- Stay Down Records
- Stay Fresh Entertainment, LLC.
- Steadfast Records
- Steady Beat Recordings
- Steady Rollin' Records
- Steal Vybe Music
- Steed Records via Wikipedia
- Steel Cage Records
- Steeple Records
- Steinway Sound
- Stellar Music
- Stellar Records
- Stellar Sound
- Stepho-Marcel Records
- Steppin' Records
- Steppin' Stone Records
- Stepping Stone Records
- Stereo Press Records
- Stereo Records
- Stereo Society
- stereolaffs
- Stereorrific Recordings
- Stereotrain Records
- Stereotype
- Sterling Circle Records
- Stet Records
- Steve Barta Music
- Steve The Pervert Records
- Steven Halpern's Inner Peace Music
- Stickfigure Records
- Sticks and Stones Records
- Stifle
- Stigmatic
- Still Contagious Records
- Still Hustlin Records
- Still Music
- Stillborn Records
- Stimulated Records
- Stinky Records
- Stir-Fry Records
- STLKG Records
- Stomp Off Records
- Stone Mountain Entertainment
- Stone Quarry Records
- StoneAge Survivors Entertainment, Inc.
- Stonegarden Records
- Stones Throw Records
- Stonewall Records
- Stoney Montana Productions
- Stool Pigeon Records
- Stop, Look & Listen Records
- Stop, Pop, and Roll
- Storm Dog Records Inc.
- Storm Records
- Storm Tower Records
- Storyteller Records
- Storyville Films
- Stout Records
- STR Digital Records
- STR Music Group
- Straight Game Records
- Straight Jackit Records
- Straight Records via Wikipedia
- Strange & Beautiful Music
- Strange Attractors Audio House
- Strange Fortune
- Strange Music
- StrangeLove
- strata entertainment
- Strata-East Records
- Stratosphere Entertainment
- Strawdog Records
- Street Anthem Records
- Street Clout Records
- Street Corner Records
- Street Credit Records
- Street Disciplez Records
- Street Empire Records
- Street Goddess Records, LLC
- Street Gold Records
- Street History Records
- Street Legal Entertainment
- Street Level Records
- Street Life Records
- Street Movement Ent.
- Street Noiz Records
- Street Profit Ent.
- Street Scholars Records
- Street Souljahz Entertainment
- Street Star Records
- StreetBeat Records
- Streeter Music
- Streetgrounds Records
- StreetHustle Entertainment
- Streetwise Intellect Productions
- Streetwize Recordz
- Stress Music,Inc.
- Stress Records
- Stress Records LLC.
- Stressed Out Street Dwellaz Records
- Strictly Rhythm Records
- Stride Records
- Strife Records
- Strike 3 Records
- striking mechanism
- StringBender Records
- Stringtown Records
- Strokeland Records
- Strong Island Records
- Stronghold Records
- StrongHouse Records LLC
- Strongmen Music, LLC
- Strukk Association Music Group.
- Strummer Recordings
- Stryker Brown Entertainment
- Stryker Records
- Stubborn Records
- Stuck Records
- Studio One via Wikipedia
- Studio13 Records
- Stump Records
- Stunt Growth Records
- Stupendous
- Stupid Gaijin Records
- Stwrongtone Media
- Stylus Quo Records
- Stylus Records
- Styluswars
- Sub City Records
- Sub Pop Records
- Sub Verse Music
- Sub-Mission Records
- Sub-Verse Records
- sub:marine records
- SubAqua Record Co.
- Subatomic Sound
- subconscious communications
- subgroundz
- Subjazz
- Subject Detroit Records
- Subjective Collective
- Sublevel
- Sublime Dezine Records
- Sublime Frequencies
- Subliminal Records
- Sublingual Records
- Submerge Recordings
- Submerge Records
- Submit Records
- Subnation Productions
- Subrosa Records
- Subsoil Records
- Substance Recordings
- Substandard Records
- subtechnics records
- Subterranean Records
- Subterraneous Records
- Subtractive Records
- Suburban Dog Music
- Suburban Home Records
- Suburban Noize Records
- Suburban Sprawl Music
- subVariant recordings
- Subversal
- subverseco
- Success Pool Records
- Such-A-Punch Media via Wikipedia
- Suckapunch Records
- Sue Records via Wikipedia
- Suffer Creek Records
- Sugar Beats
- Sugar Free Records
- Sugar Hill Records
- Sugar Madison Records
- Sugarbone Kids Records
- Sugarbone Records
- Sugarcane Recordings
- SugarDaddy Records & Productions
- Sugarfoot Music
- Sugarfoot Records
- Sugartruck Recordings
- Sugo Music
- Suicidal Groove Records
- Suicidal Sunshine Records
- Suicide Squeeze Records
- Suitable for Framing Records
- Suite A Records
- Suited N Booted Records
- Sulfur Records
- Sultry Siren Productions
- Sumertone
- Summer Break Records
- Summersteps Records
- Summit Records
- Sumthin' Hot Records
- Sumthing Else
- Sun International Records via Wikipedia
- Sun Moon Records
- Sun Records
- Sunburn Recordings
- Sunday Records
- Sundazed Music Inc
- SunForest-Waterwahl
- Sunken Pie Records
- Sunken Treasure Records
- Sunkissed Records
- Sunmuse Records
- Sunnyside Records
- Sunray Records
- Sunrize Records
- sunset alliance records
- Sunset Entertainment
- Sunset Park Entertainment
- Sunset Records
- SunShip Records
- Sunswept Music LLC
- SunTzu Sound
- Supa Crucial Recordings
- Supa Tree Records
- Supasize Entertainment
- Super Amigos Records
- Super Bro Records
- Super Oldies
- Super Party USA
- Super Pezhead Records
- Super Rock Records
- Super Soul Records via Wikipedia
- Super8 Records
- Superb Records
- Superbad Records
- Superfecta Recordings
- SuperFISH Records
- SuperGenius Records
- Superior Ready Mix
- Superior Records
- Supermassive Records
- Supermedic Records
- Supernatural Records via CD Universe
- Superphonic Records
- SuperPopRecords
- Supersize Records
- SupersonicUSA
- SuperSpeedway Music
- Superstar Entertainment
- Supertone Records via Wikipedia
- Supple Records, Inc.
- Supreem Entertainment
- Supreme Records via Wikipedia
- Sure Shot Recordings
- Surf Angel Records
- SurFaty Records
- Surfdog
- Surfside Records Inc
- Surgeland Records
- Surprise Attack Records
- Surprise Truck Entertainment
- Surveillance
- Surveillance Sound
- Suspens Recording
- Suspicious Records
- Sussex Records via Wikipedia
- Susstones
- Sustain Records
- Suthun Music Entertainment
- SVI Records
- Swahili Entertainment
- Swallow Records via Wikipedia
- Swallowtail Records
- Swami Records
- Swamp Cracker Records
- Swamp Of Pus Media
- Swampabbean Records
- Swan Records via Wikipedia
- Swank Recordings
- Swatteam Records
- Swedish Diva Records
- Sweet Groove Music
- Sweet Lucy Records
- Sweet Pickle Music
- Sweet Revenge Records
- Sweet Street Records
- Sweetheart Records
- Swill Radio
- Swing Cat Enterprises
- Swing Records
- Swing Time Records via Wikipedia
- Swingin' Records
- Swinging Axe
- Swishahouse
- Switchblade Records
- Swole Up! Entertainment
- Sword Records via Wikipedia
- Sworn In Records
- Swp Records
- Sxorpien Entertainment
- Syberdelix Records
- Syde-Sho Productions
- Sympathy For The Record Industry
- Syn 5 Records
- Synchronic Records
- Synergy Entertainment
- Synergy Music
- Synergy Records
- Synewave
- Synkronos Music
- Syntax Records
- Synthcere Records
- Synthetic Confusion
- Synthphony Records
- Syphrus Music
- Syphrus Recordings
- SYRecords Inc.
- Syren Records
- Systaine Records
- System Recordings
- System3 Records
- Syzygy Records
External links[]
- very extensive site with links to over 22,000 current record labels