Music Hub

This is a list of songs whose title is not referenced in the song lyrics. This list should not include songs where the title is implied in the song. For example "Country House" by Blur does not contain the exact phrase "Country House" but it does contain the lyrics "A very big house in the country", this song should not be include on the list. Exclusions can be made if the song only contains very common words found in the title, such as "a" "the" or "and".

In case of foreign language songs, the song lyrics should not contain the title (no matter in English or its native language, translated titles also applied) implied in the song, otherwise it cannot be included on the list. Take note that instrumental songs are not included on this list.


Due to this page being a dynamic list over the years, the list has been separated into multiple pages by alphabetical.

If you're uncertain about what page where the song suppose to add to, you can add it here, and our contributors will help you migrate those to what it suppose to:

  • "Song name" by artist name(s)