Music Hub
Love On a Farmboy's Wages
Single by XTC
Album Mummer, Coat of Many Cupboards, Fossil Fuel, The Compact XTC, Upsy Daisy Assortment
Released September 19, 1983
Label(s) Virgin
Producer(s) Steve Nye / XTC


  1. Love On A Farmboy's Wages
  2. In Loving Memory Of A Name
  3. Desert Island
  4. Toys

Alternate singles featured these as B-sides:

  • In Loving Memory Of A Name
  • Burning With Optimism's Flames / English Roundabout / Cut It Out

Music Video: YouTube

Review: Some people prefer this song to "Earn Enough For Us", the later song that's basically a variation on the exact same theme, but while this song is definitely one of the better ones on Mummer, it's still not really that great. After all, Mummer was really a let down... but it was released on my 3rd birthday, so, um, thanks, guys, I guess. I suppose even a kinda lousy XTC record is better than no XTC record at all. (If I were mean, I would say that Apple Venus proved that one. But I'm not.) Anyway, though, this was a single, and a decent choice from Mummer. - Rev. Syung Myung Me
