Music Hub

This World Over
Single by XTC
Album The Big Express, Transistor Blast, Fossil Fuel, The Compact XTC, Upsy Daisy Assortment
Released October 29, 1984
Label(s) Virgin
Producer(s) David Lord & XTC


  1. This World Over
  2. Blue Overall

Alternate Singles Featured These As B-Sides:

Review: A single that won some awards for innovative sleeve design (the sleeve pictures a button that reads "PUSH ONCE", and then folds out to a series of picture postcards, all featuring the same demolished desolation with "Greetings From (Paris/London/New York/Etc.)", as the song's about the aftermath of Nuclear Annihilation, with the survivors trying to make their way. It's another that's a little bit upsetting, but again, intended to be. - Rev. Syung Myung Me

In some parallel universe, The Police would have covered this and it would have been big. Eyeball Kid 23:03, 3 July 2006 (UTC)
