Music Hub

I Knew That metal artist behind Happy Tree Friends and Nirvana at #1 on the bottom that it is real, because why here we go: 11: Cannibal Corpse 10. Warrant 9. Alice Cooper 8. Anthrax 7. Lamb of God 6. Slayer 5. Dio 4. Black Sabbath 3. Judas Priest 2. Iron Maiden Honorable Mentions: Metallica, AC/DC, KISS, Thin Lizzy, Def Leppard, Guns N' Roses and finally #1. Happy Tree Friends/Nirvana, I Know merged the 90s' Metal artist and the Horror TV show about Cute and Cuddly animals to Kurt Cobain's suicide in 4/5/1994. I'm Bradley Williams this is Music Wiki.
